Last week i saw a greek documentary from 2017 or so, most of it were interviews with artists from athens, especially musicians. it was interesting in may ways. we here don´t have that clear approach to things like people in the mediterranean do have. they have that „down to earth“-attitude, keenly stay away from the internet and worship freedom and all people who stood for it. at least in greece. there was a part about the music scene in athens of the 1980s, the clubs established that time, and there was used the word „choices“ again and again - one chooses the music one likes, they said, one chooses one´s favorite clubs and one chooses the company one feels good with. by doing so - everyone does that - one chooses what person one is, or as they put it - what personality one has. personality is a choice? i havn´t heard such a thing in a long time! but it´s true! we didn´t choose who we went to high-school with, but we chose who we wanted to be with later on, we looked for the places. there also were these and those cafes and clubs, with totally different music (not genres, but quality versus trash) and totally different people there, almost like a different species. it´s true, one could always read from favorite music, cafes and friends who one is, from the quarter in which one prefers to live, the countries one travels to. but it´s choices in the first place! choices are made by people, or like the greek would say - personalities. you need to have a personality to make a choice, a mind of your own. and your choices (the things you choose because you can and also have to choose them) show who you are, your personality. Kind of an outside reflection of the inside.

we all knew that back then, it was common sense. the greeks are still aware of these essential things, they won´t forget them. thank god nobody pays attention to them, the whole world would be upside down ;)

coffee with „normal“ (= organic, but not vegan) milk (c) 7th :: 2024